5 Ways to Prevent Termites in Your Home

The best thing is to hire a termite exterminator who can get rid of the termites for good. The advantage of hiring a professional termite exterminator is that they know which termiticide can be successfully used to get rid of termites.

The Difference Between Exterminators and Pest Control

Giving your home a chemically invasive treatment doesn't always work. It might seem like your problem is gone for a short time, but you'll likely deal with the same issue down the line. In other words, calling a pest control professional is a much better move than calling an exterminator. Let's explore the differences.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs From Entering Your Home

Bed bugs are something that no one wants to have in their home. Not only are they a hazard, but they can also be very difficult to get rid of. Worst of all, you can pick up bed bugs from almost anywhere, including work, the gym, a hotel, from a neighbor, or even from a bus ride...

5 Things You Need to Know About Yellowjackets and Pest Control Measures

One of the most prevalent local pest control challenges is dealing with Yellowjackets in summer and fall. As predatory insects, they can be aggressive when irritated. Yellowjackets can pose a hazard if the nest is in a high-traffic location. However, removing the nest can be dangerous and counterproductive. In this article, we explore some facts on Yellowjackets and when to call pest control services. [...]

Conflict of Interest

"FOUL" the Seller declares, when defects are discovered during the Termite Inspection. "How can your opinion be fair when you quote prices to fix the problems you say are there?" This is a fair question to ask! [...]